open source

drupal 7.x 설치 시 권한 설정

vhrms 2014. 1. 9. 03:56
  a. Missing files directory.

      The install script will attempt to create a file storage directory in
      the default location at sites/default/files (the location of the files
      directory may be changed after Drupal is installed).

      If auto-creation fails, you can make it work by changing permissions on
      the sites/default directory so that the web server can create the files
      directory within it for you. (If you are creating a multisite
      installation, substitute the correct sites directory for sites/default;
      see the Multisite Configuration section of this file, below.)

      For example, on a Unix/Linux command line, you can grant everyone
      (including the web server) permission to write to the sites/default
      directory with this command:

        chmod a+w sites/default

      Be sure to set the permissions back after the installation is finished!
      Sample command:

        chmod go-w sites/default

      Alternatively, instead of allowing the web server to create the files
      directory for you as described above, you can create it yourself. Sample
      commands from a Unix/Linux command line:

        mkdir sites/default/files
        chmod a+w sites/default/files

   b. Missing settings file.

      Drupal will try to automatically create a settings.php configuration file,
      which is normally in the directory sites/default (to avoid problems when
      upgrading, Drupal is not packaged with this file). If auto-creation fails,
      you will need to create this file yourself, using the file
      sites/default/default.settings.php as a template.

      For example, on a Unix/Linux command line, you can make a copy of the
      default.settings.php file with the command:

        cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php

      Next, grant write privileges to the file to everyone (including the web
      server) with the command:

        chmod a+w sites/default/settings.php

      Be sure to set the permissions back after the installation is finished!
      Sample command:

        chmod go-w sites/default/settings.php

   c. Write permissions after install.

      The install script will attempt to write-protect the settings.php file and
      the sites/default directory after saving your configuration. If this
      fails, you will be notified, and you can do it manually. Sample commands
      from a Unix/Linux command line:

        chmod go-w sites/default/settings.php
        chmod go-w sites/default