
List of open source captive portal software and network access control (NAC)

9 Votes

I have listed here some open source captive portal software and network access control (NAC) systems.

Last updated on : 19 Sep 2014

Open Source/Free

  1. ChilliSpot – http://www.chillispot.info
  2. Wifidog – http://dev.wifidog.org
  3. PacketFence – http://www.packetfence.org
  4. HotSpotPA – http://www.hotspotpa.com
  5. CoovaChilli – http://coova.org
  6. Utangle – http://www.untangle.com
  7. pfSense – http://www.pfsense.org
  8. PepperSpot – http://pepperspot.sourceforge.net
  9. Zeroshell – http://www.zeroshell.net/eng/
  10. m0n0wall – http://m0n0.ch
  11. Kattive – http://www.kattive.it
  12. EasyHotSpot – http://easyhotspot.inov.asia/
  13. GRASE Hotspot – http://grasehotspot.org
  14. BrazilFW – http://www.brazilfw.com.br

Closed Source/Paid

  1. FirstSpot - http://patronsoft.com/firstspot/ (for Windows)
  2. antamedia – http://www.antamedia.com (hotspot manager for windows)
  3. polkaspots – http://polkaspots.com/

Disclaimer: I have collected the list of captive portals/firewalls when I was working on a network products, but no longer. So I rarely maintain this list and the list is here just a information sharing. If you found any thing is not correct kindly post it in comment, so I can correct it.

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