위 주소로 이동하면 업데이트 하는 방법이 설명되어져 있습니다.
글 작성일 기준으로 아래의 방법으로 하면 Build 6765664 버전으로 업데이트 됩니다.
Imageprofile ESXi-6.5.0-20171004001-standard (Build 6765664) includes the following updated VIBs:
Name Version Vendor Summary Category Severity Bulletin
esx-base 6.5.0-1.29.6765664 VMware Updates the ESX 6.5.0 esx-base bugfix critical ESXi650-201710401-BG
esx-tboot 6.5.0-1.29.6765664 VMware Updates the ESX 6.5.0 esx-tboot bugfix critical ESXi650-201710401-BG
vsan 6.5.0-1.29.6765666 VMware Updates the ESX 6.5.0 vsan bugfix critical ESXi650-201710401-BG
vsanhealth 6.5.0-1.29.6765667 VMware ESXi VSAN Health Service unknown unknown ESXi650-201710401-BG
(For more information see KB2151082.)
# Cut and paste these commands into an ESXi shell to update your host with this Imageprofile
# See the Help page for more instructions
esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient
esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20171004001-standard \
esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e false -r httpClient
# Reboot to complete the upgrade