
206-unable to create generic ethernet nio 에러가 뜨면서 클라우드에 eth0 인터페이스를 연결 할 수 없었다.

윈도우 사용자의 경우 관리자 권한으로 실행하면 해결 되는 문제로 보이며

리눅스 사용자의 경우도 관리자 권한으로 생행하면 되는 문제였다.

아래 명령어를 이용하면 관리자 권한으로 실행되었다. 참고로 Mint 14 64bit ..

gksu python "/opt/GNS3/gns3" 


Install My Weather Indicator in Linux Mint 14

Add the My Weather Indicator to Linux Mint 14

By , ITworld |  Softwareinstall my weather indicator linux mint 14
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Here's how you can install the My Weather Indicator app to your Linux Mint 14 system.

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Type in the following commands then hit Enter after each.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator

For more, see the original article at the link below.

출처: http://www.itworld.com/software/351599/install-my-weather-indicator-linux-mint-14


바보같은 iODD가 일부 iso파일이 dfragment되어져 있으면 mount하지 못하는데..

윈도우에서는 iso파일을 ultraiso로 mount한 후 save-as하여 다시 순차적으로 저장하면 해결되었습니다.

리눅스로 오면서 그 작업을 해야 할 일이 생겼는데 isomaster라는 프로그램으로 해결 했습니다.

설치 방법은 제가 초보라..^^

sudo apt-get install isomaster


GUI에서 설정하는게 아보여 구글링 해보니 아래를 수정하면 되었습니다.

저는 Mint 14 버전 사용자 입니다.

 # nano /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.upower.policy 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
 "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
  <vendor>The UPower Project</vendor>

  <action id="org.freedesktop.upower.suspend">
    <description>Suspend the system</description>
    <description xml:lang="fr">Mettre le système en veille</description>
    <description xml:lang="it">Sospende il sistema</description>
    <description xml:lang="pl">Wstrzymanie systemu</description>
    <description xml:lang="sv">Försätt systemet i vänteläge</description>
    <message>Authentication is required to suspend the system</message>
    <message xml:lang="fr">Vous devez vous identifier pour mettre le système en veille</message>
    <message xml:lang="it">È richiesto autenticarsi per sospendere il sistema</message>
    <message xml:lang="pl">Wymagane jest uwierzytelnienie, aby wstrzymać system</message>
    <message xml:lang="sv">Autentisering krävs för att försätta systemet i vänteläge</message>

the first for suspend and the second for hibernate. 




 Keyboard Shortcuts for the GNOME Desktop

1. General Shortcut Keys

Alt F1

Opens the Applications Menu.

Alt F2

Displays the Run Application dialog.

Print Screen

Takes a screenshot.

Alt Print Screen

Takes a screenshot of the window that has focus.

Ctrl Alt right arrow

Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt left arrow

Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt up arrow

Switches to the workspace above the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt down arrow

Switches to the workspace below the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt d

Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop.


Starts the online help browser, and displays appropriate online Help.


2. Window Shortcut Keys

Alt Tab

Switches between windows. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of windows that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select a window.

Alt Esc

Switches between windows in reverse order. Release the keys to select a window.


Opens the first menu on the left side of the menubar.

Alt spacebar

Opens the Window Menu.

Arrow keys

Moves the focus between items in a menu.


Chooses a menu item.


Closes an open menu.

Ctrl Alt right arrow

Switches to the workspace to the right of the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt left arrow

Switches to the workspace to the left of the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt up arrow

Switches to the workspace above the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt down arrow

Switches to the workspace below the current workspace.

Ctrl Alt d

Minimizes all windows, and gives focus to the desktop.

When a window has focus, you can increase or decrease the size of the window:

Alt + F8

Start the resize operation.

Arrow keys

Resize the window in the direction of the arrow key.


Complete the resize operation, leaving the window at the current size.


Cancel the resize operation, restoring the window to its original size.


3. Panel Shortcut Keys

Ctrl Alt Tab

Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of items that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select an item.

Ctrl Alt Esc

Switches the focus between the panels and the desktop. Release the keys to select an item.

Ctrl F10

Opens the popup menu for the selected panel.


Switches the focus between objects on a panel.


Chooses the selected panel object or menu item.

Shift F10

Opens the popup menu for the selected panel object.

Arrow keys

Moves the focus between items in a menu. Moves the focus between interface items in an applet also.


Closes an open menu.


Opens the Applications menu from the Menu Bar, if the Menu Bar is in a panel.


4. Application Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl N


Ctrl X


Ctrl C


Ctrl V


Ctrl Z


Ctrl S


Ctrl Q



References used:

GNOME Documentation Library - Keyboard Desktop Navigation

Wikipedia - Table of keyboard shortcuts

Novell - Cool Solutions - Gnome / KDE Keyboard Shortcuts

Tags: shortcuts GNOME
Created: 2 years ago.
Last edited: 2 years ago.
Read 6521 times.


저 같은 경우는  GNS3에서 나타난 증상이지만..

간단하게 해결 하는 방법은 아래와 같았습니다.(Mint Linux)

 apt-get install xdotool


centos 6.4 64bit라면..



Download xdotool-2.20110530.1-4.el6.nux.i686.rpm for CentOS 6 / RHEL 6
from the official mirrors.

Install Howto

  1. Download the latest nux-dextop-release rpm from
  2. Install nux-dextop-release rpm:
    # rpm -Uvh nux-dextop-release*rpm
  3. Install xdotool rpm package:
    # yum install xdotool


그냥 포고 데비안 설치판에서 ntfs 마운트하면 읽기만 되었습니다.

chmod 777로 권한을 주어도 안되더군요.

검색하여 보니 ntfs-3g라는걸 설치 하라고 했습니다.

설치 방법법은 

apt-get install ntfs-3g 


마운트 방법은 

Usage:    ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] <device|image_file> <mount_point>


ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /home/pogo/download

설명 : /dev/sdb1 외장하드 전체를 /home/pogo/download에 마운트.


다음 명령어를 응용해서 smb에 공유된 폴더를 마운트 해서 사용하면 됩니다.

저 같은 경우는 smb 서버ip가이고 접속하면 share라는 폴더가 바로 나는 환경 입니다.

그리고 id/pw는 각각 admin을 사용하고 있고요. 비밀 번호를 설정하지 않은 samba환경이라면 입력 하지 않아도 


# mount -t cifs // /home/user/Down/smb/ -o username=admin,password=admin,codepage=949,iocharset=utf8

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