
Confirm Configuration Settings 

Unable to connect to database Server. Invalid mySQL Connection Parameters specified

This may be due to the following reasons:
- specified database user, password, hostname, database type, or port is invalid. More Information
- specified database user does not have access to connect to the database server from the host

위와 같은 에러가 나왔습니다.

다음 처럼 Host Name을 설정하면 다음 단계로 넘어 갈 수 있습니다.

vtigerCRM 5.2 설치 파일 + 한글 언어팩 (인터넷 검색으로 다운 받음/테스트 되지 않음)







An error has occurred

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in/opt/lampp/htdocs/powermc/modules/ModuleBuilder/views/view.modulefield.php on line 151
{"east":{"title":"Edit Field","crumb":"","content":"

SugarCRM Add Field 클릭 시 위와 같은 에러가 나온다면 php.ini에 다음 값을 off하세요.



Access to the requested object is only available from the local network phpmyadmin

open your http.conf file

vim /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf

Comment "Deny from all" in the following section,

# New XAMPP security concept
<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-status|server-info))">
        Order deny,allow
       #Deny from all
        Allow from ::1 \
                fc00::/7 \

        ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var


다른 방법.. 아래와 같이 나온다면..



아래 항목 주석처리


# New XAMPP security concept


<LocationMatch "^/(?i:(?:xampp|security|licenses|phpmyadmin|webalizer|server-st$

        Require local

        ErrorDocument 403 /error/XAMPP_FORBIDDEN.html.var



세지오 관련 메모

세지오 재설치

 안녕하십니까? (주)케이시크입니다.

삭제 방법에 대해 안내해드리겠습니다.

1. 홈페이지 데이터가 저장되는 segio디렉토리  삭제
/home/segio 삭제 또는 이름 변경

2. 쎄지오 웹데몬 삭제
/etc/shttpd 삭제 또는 이름변경

3. DB삭제
/var/lib/pgslql 삭제 또는 이름변경

4. 서비스 정지 또는 재부팅

추후에는 쎄지오 삭제 스크립트도 구성하여 제공해드릴 예정입니다.

위에 설명드린대로 삭제를 진행하시면 됩니다.

 Optimizer not installed

템플릿 설치를 위한 로그인시 문의해주신 사항과 같이 
zend 설치 창이 뜨는 현상은 segio설치가 정상적으로 
이루어지지 않을 경우 발생합니다.
(Zend Optimizer는 segio설치 시 자동설치됩니다.)
현재 설치된 segio를 제거한 후 다시 설치해 주시기바랍니다.
그리고.. 템플릿의 이미지만 다운로드-이미지자료실에서 제공되며
템플릿 설치시 fla파일은 제공되지 않습니다.
수정하시려는 템플릿번호를 알려주시면 관련 파일은  메일로 보내드리겠습니다.

  [ postgresql ] is not installed !!

postgresql은 총 12개가 설치되어야 install.sh를 
실행할 수 있습니다.
yum -y install postgresql* 로 다시 설치해주시기 

수동으로 다른 것들 설치 했음.

 yum install -y 





Port open Error [80] 에러 

방화벽 해제 후 테스트(ipv6 올라와야 함)








centos 5.9에 postgresql을 설치한 후 segio를 설치하려고 하면 db 설치가 되지 않았다고 나왔습니다.

yum install -y postgresql*

그래서 추가적으로 아래를 설치 했습니다.

yum install <아래>

  • postgresql-client 
  • postgresql-server
  • postgresql-contrib
  • postgresql-devel 
  • pgadmin3 

Linux downloads (Red Hat family)

The Red Hat family of distributions includes Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux and others. PostgreSQL is available on these platforms by default. However, each version of the platform normally "snapshots" a specific version of PostgreSQL that is then supported throughout the lifetime of this platform. Since this can often mean a different version than preferred, the PostgreSQL project provides arepository of packages of all supported versions for the most common distributions.

Should packages not be available for your distribution, or there are issues with your package manager, there are graphical installers available.

Finally, most Linux systems make it easy to build from source.

Included in distribution

These distributions all include PostgreSQL by default. To install PostgreSQL from these repositories, use the yumcommand:

yum install postgresql-server

Which version of PostgreSQL you get will depend on the version of the distribution:

RHEL/CentOS/SL/OL 58.1 (also supplies package postgresql84)
RHEL/CentOS/SL/OL 68.4
Fedora 189.2
Fedora 199.3
Fedora 209.3

Other Red Hat family distributions may ship a different version of PostgreSQL by default, check with your distribution vendor to be sure.

The repository contains many different packages including third party addons. The most common and important packages are (substitute the version number as required):

  • postgresql-client libraries and client binaries
  • postgresql-server core database server
  • postgresql-contrib additional supplied modules
  • postgresql-devel libraries and headers for C language development
  • pgadmin3 - pgAdmin III graphical administration utility


Due to policies for Red Hat family distributions, the PostgreSQL installation will not be enabled for automatic start or have the database initialized automatically. To make your database installation complete, you need to perform these two steps:service postgresql initdb
chkconfig postgresql on
or, on Fedora 19 and other later derived distributions:
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql.service

PostgreSQL Yum Repository

If the version supplied by your operating system is not the one you want, you can use the PostgreSQL Yum Repository. This repository will integrate with your normal systems and patch management, and provide automatic updates for all supported versions of PostgreSQL throughout the support lifetime of PostgreSQL.

The PostgreSQL yum repository currently supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and ScientificLinux versions 5.x and 6.x, as well as current versions of Fedora. Note that due to the short support cycle on Fedora, all versions are not available on this platform, and we recommend not using Fedora for server deployments. All distributions are supported on both x86_64 and i386 architectures.

To use the yum repository, you must first install the repository RPM. To do this, download the correct RPM from the repository RPM listing, and install it with commands like:

yum install http://yum.postgresql.org/9.3/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-redhat93-9.3-1.noarch.rpm

Once this is done, you can proceed to install and update packages the same way as the ones included in the distribution.

yum install postgresql93-server postgresql93-contrib
service postgresql-9.3 initdb
chkconfig postgresql-9.3 on
or, on Fedora 19 and other later derived distributions:
yum install postgresql93-server postgresql93-contrib
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/postgresql93-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-9.3.service
systemctl start postgresql-9.3.service

Package names in the PostgreSQL yum repository follows the same standard as the ones included in the main repositories, but include the version number, such as:

  • postgresql93
  • postgresql93-server
  • postgresql93-contrib
  • pgadmin3_93

Direct RPM download

If you cannot, or do not want to, use the yum based installation method, all the RPMs that are in the yum repository are available for direct download and manual installation as well.

Cross distribution packages

Generic RPM and DEB packages that provide a server-only distibution are avaliable for some 32 and 64-bit Linux distributions. These packages provide a single set of binaries and consistent packaging across different Linux distributions. They are designed for server installation where a GUI is not available and consistency across multiple distributions is a requirement.

Download the packages from OpenSCG for all supported versions.

Note: The cross distribution packages do not fully integrate with the platform-specific packaging systems.

Graphical installer

Installers are available for 32 and 64 bit Linux distributions and include PostgreSQL, pgAdmin and the StackBuilder utility for installation of additional packages. The PostgreSQL 8.4 installers have been tested with a number of Linux distributions and should work on Ubuntu 6.06 and above, Fedora 6 and above, CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and above and others. The 9.0 and later installers have only been tested on more recent distributions.

Download the installer from EnterpriseDB for all supported versions.

Note: The installers do not integrate with platform-specific packaging systems.

Build from source

The source code can be found in the main file browser. Instructions for building from source can be found in the documentation.


dpkg --get-selections | grep httpd


How to Setup Postfix on CentOS 6.4

by SKYTECH on MAY 19, 2013

Posfix MailPostfix is a open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers electronic mail. Postfix is an alternative for Sendmail service which provide the same function. This post will describe on how you can install and setup postfix on CentOS 6.4. After you installed postfix, you can use postfix command to controls the operation of the Postfix mail system such as start or stop the master daemon, do a health check, and other maintenance.

1. To install Postfix, use the following yum command :

[root@centos64 ~]# yum install postfix -y

2. To verify if Postfix is already installed, use the following rpm command :

[root@centos64 ~]# rpm -q postfix

Example :

[root@centos64 ~]# rpm -q postfix

3. How to check Postfix version :

[root@centos64 ~]# postconf -d | grep mail_version

Example :

[root@centos64 ~]# postconf -d | grep mail_version
mail_version = 2.6.6
milter_macro_v = $mail_name $mail_version

4. Configure Basic postfix main.cf file :

[root@centos64 ~]# vi /etc/postfix/main.cf

Uncomment and modify the following two line :

myhostname = centos6.4.ehowstuff.local
mydomain = ehowstuff.local

myhostname: is the host name of the system (i.e, the system is called mail or mail.example.com).
mydomain: is the domain name for the email server (it can be a real or fake domain name).

5. Start the postfix service :

[root@centos64 ~]# service postfix start
Starting postfix:                                          [  OK  ]

6. Restart the postfix service :

[root@centos64 ~]# service postfix restart
Shutting down postfix:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting postfix:                                          [  OK  ]

7. How to show postfix pid number on running for postfix services ?

[root@centos64 ~]# ps -ef | grep postfix
root      3081     1  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/postfix/master
postfix   3083  3081  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 pickup -l -t fifo -u
postfix   3084  3081  0 05:57 ?        00:00:00 qmgr -l -t fifo -u
root      3292  1963  0 06:40 pts/0    00:00:00 grep postfix

As always if you need any help you can reach us on twitter @ehowstuff or drop us a comment below.Jumping through archives page to read more articles..

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