

Welcome to the MikroTik Wiki! 

This is a place where users of MikroTik solutions share information, examples, howtos and ideas with each other. 

This resource consists of both User Maintained How-To articles, and also MikroTik maintained documentation pages. 

Choose your category below:

Ros.pngMikrotik RouterOS 
News.pngMikroTik News 
News and related information
Routerboard.pngRouterBOARD hardware 
RouterBOARD hardware Pages
Mum.pngMUM Events 
Mikrotik User Meetings around the world
Userman.pngMikroTik User Manager 
MikroTik User Manager
Dude.pngThe Dude 
The Dude
User.pngRouterOS User Topics 
Articles and Examples written by users
SwOS for MikroTik Switch products

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