
윈도우와 리눅스용 라이센스 키가 동일 합니다.

리눅스에서 vmware를 설치 한 후 라이센스 입력 버튼을 눌러도 동작되지 않을 경우 command line으로 등록하는 방법은 아래와 같습니다. 제가 등록한 버전은 9.0.2 build-1031769 입니다. 리눅스 민트 15 x64 mate환경 입니다.

/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx --new-sn 123-123-123-123...123




1. WinCDEmu 라는 프로그램을 설치하면 iso파일을 자동으로 마운트 할 수 있습니다.

   즉 iso파일을 그냥 더블 클릭하면 자동으로 마운트 됩니다.








Download here or use the button to the right.


System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows (incl. x64) 7/2008/Vista/2003/XP

Installation Instructions

  1. Ensure that you have Administrator rights on your computer.
  2. Download and run the installer file.
  3. Click the "install" button.
  4. Simply double-click on any disc image to get it mounted!


WinCDEmu is licensed under LGPL. If you want to purchase a commercial license to use WinCDEmu in your product or order a customized version, please contact us.



2. TeraCopy 프로그램을 설치하면 윈도우 8의 파일 복사/이동시 향상된 표시 기능과 비슷하게 사용할 수 있습니다.





다운로드  : http://codesector.com/teracopy


Copy files faster TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce the seek times. Asynchronous copying speeds up the file transfer between two physical hard drives.

  • Pause and resume file transfer activities Pause the copy process at any time in order to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
  • Error recovery In case of a copy error, TeraCopy will try several times to recover and, in the worse case scenario, will simply skip the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
  • Interactive file list TeraCopy shows the failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only the problem files.
  • Shell integration TeraCopy can completely replace the Explorer copy and move functions, in turn enabling you to work with files as usual.
  • Full Unicode support.
  • Windows 8 x64 support.
  • TeraCopy is free for non-commercial use only. For commercial use you need to buy a license.



    3. btter Explorer for Windows 7 and 8 (별로 추천하고 싶지는 않습니다. 리본 스타일의 파일 탐색기입니다.)






    리눅스 mint 15 mate 64bit , transmission 2.77에서 정상 작동 하는군요!!

    출처 : http://www.foresightlinux.se/make-chromium-or-chrome-to-open-magnet-links-in-lxde/

    Been updated the post:  http://www.foresightlinux.se/make-chromium-to-open-magnet-links/

    But here goes:

    To make chromium to open magnet links, that most of the torrent sites uses. You need to open terminal and write

    터머널을 열고 아래의 3개를 모두 복사 후 실행 합니다.

    gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/command "transmission %s"
    gconftool-2 -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/needs_terminal false -t bool
    gconftool-2 -t bool -s /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/magnet/enabled true

    Open xdg-open in desired text-editor

    아래의 파일을 수정합니다.

    sudo nano /usr/bin/xdg-open


    find the lines: 다음 라인을 찾아서

    # Checks for known desktop environments
    # set variable DE to the desktop environments name, lowercase
     if [ x"$KDE_FULL_SESSION" = x"true" ]; then DE=kde;
     elif [ x"$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" != x"" ]; then DE=gnome;
     elif `dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner string:org.gnome.SessionManager > /dev/null 2>&1` ; then DE=gnome;
     elif xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE 2> /dev/null | grep ' = \"xfce4\"$' >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE=xfce;
     elif [ x"$DESKTOP_SESSION" == x"LXDE" ]; then DE=lxde;
     else DE=""

    make it to look like this intead: 아래 처럼 바꾸면 됩니다!

    # Checks for known desktop environments
    # set variable DE to the desktop environments name, lowercase
    # if [ x"$KDE_FULL_SESSION" = x"true" ]; then DE=kde;
    # elif [ x"$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" != x"" ]; then DE=gnome;
    # elif `dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner string:org.gnome.SessionManager > /dev/null 2>&1` ; then DE=gnome;
    # elif xprop -root _DT_SAVE_MODE 2> /dev/null | grep ' = \"xfce4\"$' >/dev/null 2>&1; then DE=xfce;
    # elif [ x"$DESKTOP_SESSION" == x"LXDE" ]; then DE=lxde;
    # else DE=""
    # fi


     This will probably work in Arch, Lubuntu, Mint and Fedora. Will work in other Linux OS that uses lxde as desktop environment. This isn’t a optimized hack, if you know another way that works as good as this, let me know.


    wireshark와 GNS를 리눅스 상에서 연동하여 테스트 하는데 wireshark를 실행하면 다음과 같은 에러가 나타납니다.

    이때 root권한으로 gns 및 wireshark가 실행 되어질 경우 나타는 문제 였습니다.

    gns에서 root권한으로 실행하지 않으면 cloud 기능이 작동안되서 어쩔 수 없이 보안상 좋지 않은 root권한으로

    이용 하고 있는 상황..


    Lua: Error during loading: [string "/usr/share/wireshark/init.lua"]:45: dofile has been disabled

    그냥 enter를 눌러서 무시하고 사용해도 저 같은 경우는 되었습니다.

    제가 사용한 버전은 1.8.x 였는데 1.10.1로 업그레이드 하니 root권한에서도 해당 문제가 발생하지 않았습니다.

    최신 버전은 아래에서 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.



    wireshark를 실행하면 다음과 같은 에러가 나타나면서 실행이 되지 않았습니다.

    (리눅스 mint 15 mate x64)

    Notebook-PC ~/Downloads/wireshark-1.10.0 $ wireshark 

    wireshark: error while loading shared libraries: libwiretap.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    터미널에 다음을 입력하여 해결 하였습니다.

    @Notebook-PC ~/Desktop $ sudo ldconfig

    [sudo] password for : 

    @Notebook-PC ~/Desktop $ wireshark 

    출처 : http://ask.wireshark.org/questions/6568/starting-wireshark-error-libwiretapso1


    1. 처음 부팅 할 때 화살표 키 등을 움직여서 grub 목록을 나타나게 합니다. 그리고 'e' 를 타이핑 합니다.

    2. 위 화면과 같이 나오면  kernel 로 이동 후 다시 'e'를 타이핑.

    3. 위 화면이 나타 나면 마지막 줄에 한칸 뛰고 '1'을 입력.

    4. '1'을 입력 한 화면입니다..'single'도 된다고 합니다. 그리고 enter를 누릅니다.

    5. 다시 이전 화면으로 돌아 오면 'b'를 누릅니다. 그럼 single 모드로 부팅이 됩니다. single 모드는 별도의 인증 없이 root권한으로 접근이 되는 모드입니다.

    6. passwd 명령어를 입력해서 root password를 새로 생성하여 줍니다. 아래를 참고 하세요..

    출처 : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/

    Boot Linux Grub Into Single User Mode

    by  on APRIL 19, 2006 · 26 COMMENTS· LAST UPDATED DECEMBER 24, 2008


    Q. How do I boot a Linux system into single user mode?

    A. Single user mode is useful to fix some system problem. Following are steps you need to use to boot Grub boot loader into single user mode.

    Procedure: Boot Linux Grub Boot Loader into single user mode

    (1) At grub boot screen (after restart)

    (2) Select the kernel

    (3) Press the e key to edit the entry

    (4) Select second line (the line starting with the word kernel)

    (5) Press the e key to edit kernel entry so that you can append single user mode

    (6) Append the letter S (or word Single) to the end of the (kernel) line

    (7) Press ENTER key

    (8) Now press the b key to boot the Linux kernel into single user mode

    (9) When prompted give root password and you be allowed to login into single user mode.

    See also:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)


    Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu like when you can't boot Ubuntu after installing Windows or another Linux distribution, or when you can't boot Windows after installing Ubuntu, or when GRUB is not displayed anymore, some upgrade breaks GRUB, etc.

    Boot-Repair lets you fix these issues with a simple click, which (generally reinstalls GRUB and) restores access to the operating systems you had installed before the issue.

    Boot-Repair also has advanced options to backup table partitions, backup bootsectors, create a Boot-Info (to get help by email or forum), or change the default repair parameters: configure GRUB, add kernel options (acpi=off ...), purge GRUB, change the default OS, restore a Windows-compatible MBR, repair a broken filesystem, specify the disk where GRUB should be installed, etc.

    Boot-Repair is a free software, licensed under GNU-GPL. Boot-Repair should be soon included in Ubuntu official repositories, until then use it at your own risks.


    Getting Boot-Repair

    1st option : get a CD including Boot-Repair

    The easiest way to use Boot-Repair is to burn one of the following disks and boot on it.

    Remark : you can also install the ISO on a live-USB (eg via UnetBootin or LiliUSB or Universal USB Installer).

    2nd option : install Boot-Repair in Ubuntu

    - boot your computer on a Ubuntu live-CD or live-USB.

    - choose "Try Ubuntu"

    - connect internet

    - open a new Terminal, then type:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update

    - Press Enter.

    - Then type:

    sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &)

    - Press Enter

    Using Boot-Repair

    • launch Boot-Repair from either :
      • the Dash (the Ubuntu logo at the top-left of the screen)
      • or System->Administration->Boot-Repair menu (Ubuntu 10.04 only)

      • or by typing 'boot-repair' in a terminal
    • Then click the "Recommended repair" button. When repair is finished, note the URL (paste.ubuntu.com/XXXXX) that appeared on a paper, then reboot and check if you recovered access to your OSs.

    • If the repair did not succeed, indicate the URL to people who help you by email or forum.

    Advanced options

    Warning: the default settings are the ones used by the "Recommended Repair". Changing them may worsen your problem. Don't modify them before creating a BootInfo URL, and asking advice on this thread.

    http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1335263156.png http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1335263804.png http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1357337899.png http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1335263417.png http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/img/1357348203.png

    External Links


    * For Iomega EZ Media & Backup Center


    참고: http://forum.nas-central.org/viewtopic.php?f=279&t=7877 



    1. http://[NAS-IP]/diagnostics.html

    2. SSH Enable.

    3. Connect SSH

    - User Name : root

    - Password : soho<Admin Passwd>


    1. SSH접속 후 Shell 에서 실행

    # vi /etc/ipkg.conf


    src cross http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/stable
    src native http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/native/unstable



    # ipkg update

    # ipkg install python26 py26-cheetah py26-openssl par2cmdline unrar unzip git gcc transmission

    # mkdir /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads

    # cd /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads

    # mkdir watch complete incomplete _config

    # cd .. 

    # chown -R nobody:users TorrentDownloads

    # chmod -R 777 TorrentDownloads


    2. Transmission Daemon 실행

    # /opt/bin/transmission-daemon --config-dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/_config --port 8000 --allowed *.*.*.*


    3. Transmission Daemon 종료

    # kill [PID]

    PID 찾기

    # ps ax | grep transmission

    위 명령으로 PID 찾기.

    (Transmission Daemon 실행 명령이 표시되는 라인의 가장 앞의 숫자)



    4. Transmission 환경 설정

    # vi /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/_config/settings.json

    settings.json (Sample 참고하여 수정 및 추가)

    "alt-speed-down": 50,
    "alt-speed-enabled": false,
    "alt-speed-time-begin": 540,
    "alt-speed-time-day": 127,
    "alt-speed-time-enabled": false,
    "alt-speed-time-end": 1020,
    "alt-speed-up": 50,
    "bind-address-ipv4": "",
    "bind-address-ipv6": "::",
    "blocklist-enabled": false,
    "blocklist-url": "http://www.example.com/blocklist",
    "cache-size-mb": 4,
    "dht-enabled": true,
    "download-dir": "/mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/complete",
    "download-queue-enabled": true,
    "download-queue-size": 2,
    "encryption": 1,
    "idle-seeding-limit": 30,
    "idle-seeding-limit-enabled": false,
    "incomplete-dir": "/mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/incomplete",
    "incomplete-dir-enabled": false,
    "lpd-enabled": false,
    "message-level": 2,
    "peer-congestion-algorithm": "",
    "peer-limit-global": 120,
    "peer-limit-per-torrent": 40,
    "peer-port": 51413,
    "peer-port-random-high": 65535,
    "peer-port-random-low": 49152,
    "peer-port-random-on-start": false,
    "peer-socket-tos": "default",
    "pex-enabled": true,
    "port-forwarding-enabled": true,
    "preallocation": 1,
    "prefetch-enabled": 1,
    "queue-stalled-enabled": true,
    "queue-stalled-minutes": 30,
    "ratio-limit": 2,
    "ratio-limit-enabled": false,
    "rename-partial-files": true,
    "rpc-authentication-required": false,
    "rpc-bind-address": "",
    "rpc-enabled": true,
    "rpc-password": "[password]",
    "rpc-port": 8000,
    "rpc-url": "/torrent/",
    "rpc-username": "",
    "rpc-whitelist": "*.*.*.*",
    "rpc-whitelist-enabled": true,
    "scrape-paused-torrents-enabled": true,
    "script-torrent-done-enabled": false,
    "script-torrent-done-filename": "",
    "seed-queue-enabled": false,
    "seed-queue-size": 10,
    "speed-limit-down": 100,
    "speed-limit-down-enabled": false,
    "speed-limit-up": 100,
    "speed-limit-up-enabled": false,
    "start-added-torrents": true,
    "trash-original-torrent-files": false,
    "umask": 18,
    "upload-slots-per-torrent": 14,
    "utp-enabled": true,
    "watch-dir": "/mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/watch",
    "watch-dir-enabled": true




    5. Transmission Deamon 재시작

    # /opt/bin/transmission-daemon --config-dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/_config


    ETC. 참고

    1. 부팅시 자동실행 안됌.

     rc.local 에 실행 명령 추가해도 Driver가 Mount되기 전이라 안되는 것으로 추정.

    2. Transmission 스크립트 작성.

    # vi /etc/init.d/torrent


    # Transmission-daemon

    case "$1" in


    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon --config-dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/_config --port 8000 --allowed *.*.*.*


    /opt/bin/transmission-daemon --config-dir /mnt/pools/A/A0/TorrentDownloads/_config


    kill -9 `ps -C transmission-daemon | grep transmission | gawk '{print $1}'`



    echo "Usage: $0 start | restart | stop" >&2
    exit 3


    exit 0



    # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/torrent

    # vi /etc/pfofile

    profile 수정(5번째 줄 빨강색 부분 추가.)

    <변경 전>

    if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then


    <변경 후>

    if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then




    # source /etc/profile


    3. Transmission 스크립트 사용법

    # torrent restart

    * Tip : tor 타이핑 후 <TAB> 키 누르면 torrent 명령 자동 완성.

     For Iomega EZ Media & Backup Center [출처] [NAS] Transmission 설치 및 설정.|작성자 hackorz

    + Recent posts